About - Bets - One Sided Predictions - FAQ


What kinds of bets can I make?

A bet should be between you and another party (individual or small group) and have an AI-related subject. The core of the bet is the specification and explanation of exactly that which you disagree. Half of a bet is a one sided prediction. Such predictions can help engage a potential challenger.

What does a bet look like?

A bet specifies the disagreement between the parties in detail. It should contain description and explanation by both parties why they are taking the position that they do. The bet must include a description of criteria that both parties have agreed upon that can be used to decide the outcome of the bet.

A real sample bet can be found here and some one sided predictions can be found here.

I have an idea for a bet but no one to bet against me. What do I do?

No challenger? No problem. Send us the idea for your bet and we will work with you to refine your idea into a one sided prediction. Then, if needed we can help find a suitable challenger.

I don’t have an idea for bet, but I’m game to take someone else’s bet.

Check out our one-sided predictions here. If you see anything you are interested in, contact us.

A colleague and I have an idea for a bet. What should we do?

Send us your idea! We can help you refine your bet and work with you to make it ready for publication.

A colleague and I already have a fully formed bet. How do we include it?

Please email it to us If it’s ready to go, we can help you through the process of publishing it in our AI Magazine Column and on this Web site.